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Maintenance & CheckUp Service


In addition to the above, for business users there are a range of maintenance contracts to offer, covering desktops, laptops, servers, networks and security checks. These can be carried out yearly, quarterly, or whenever you require.

These comprehensive plans cover regular checks and free call-outs for genuine repairs or maintenance, giving you peace of mind for a fixed fee which may be paid yearly, quarterly or, for larger businesses, monthly.

Your Business IT requirements will be in safe hands with my open approach and sensible pricing.


For the home user there is a CheckUp Service just to keep your PC free of problems. This service is for the removal of the effects of spyware and virus attacks, and to help increase the overall performance, up-dating your computer, making it faster and more reliable. I would recommend that you have this done on at least a yearly basis. Heavy users might need more frequent check ups. Maintenance contracts are available for home users too



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